The Out of Print Book Hedge Funds Pay Thousands For
By: SumZero Staff | Published: May 25, 2018 | Be the First to Comment

As the world's largest network of buyside investment professionals, SumZero has a breadth of data on the hedge fund industry. One of the optional pieces of information that SumZero members can include on their membership profiles is their favorite investment book. We decided to compile our data and tabulate which books were the most popular.
The favorite by an overwhelming majority?: Seth Klarman's 'Margin of Safety'. Klarman published the book in 1991, a few years after taking the reins at the Baupost Group. It flew off the shelves at a $25 cover price, and soon went out of print. The book now sells for $700-$1200 used, and $2500+ new.
Given the industry's focus on hard to find information, it's unsurprising that 'Margin of Safety' took first place. Coming in second and third after 'Margin of Safety' were Ben Graham's classic 'The Intelligent Investor' and Greenblatt's 'You Can Be a Stock Market Genius'.
Title | Author | % of users that listed as favorite |
Value Investing | Bruce C. Greenwald | 1.96 |
The Essays of Warren Buffett | Lawrence Cunningham | 2.05 | Fooling Some of the People All of the Time | David Einhorn | 2.31 |
Poor Charlie's Almanack | Charlie Munger | 2.67 |
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator | Edwin Lefevre | 3.03 | One Up On Wall Street | Peter Lynch | 3.30 |
Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits | Philip Fisher | 4.01 |
Security Analysis | Benjamin Graham and David L. Dodd | 4.82 |
The Most Important Thing | Howard Marks | 5.44 |
You Can Be a Stock Market Genius | Joel Greenblatt | 6.24 |
The Intelligent Investor | Benjamin Graham | 10.53 |
Margin of Safety | Seth Klarman | 18.29 |
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