Challenge Extended: What Will Warren Buffett Buy Next?
By: SumZero Staff | Published: March 06, 2015 | Be the First to Comment

SumZero is thrilled to announce the launch of the 1st What Will Warren Buffett Buy Next Challenge. As Berkshire Hathaway celebrates its 50th anniversary under the leadership of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, the Buffett Challenge will help build excitement ahead of Berkshire Hathaway's Annual Shareholder Meeting on May 2nd in a relevant and actionable way.
The Challenge, SumZero's first research initiative open to the investing public, is designed to foster intelligent discussion on Warren Buffett’s next investment through Berkshire Hathaway. We are asking investors of all kinds to embrace Mr. Buffett’s investment principles to develop an original stock pitch for what could be Berkshire Hathaway’s next passive investment (e.g., Coca-Cola, IBM) or its next full acquisition (e.g., BNSF Railway).
Eligible participants will assemble a compelling and well-researched stock pitch in the form of a PDF and submit it to SumZero during the week-long contest period in early April. Contestants will be judged on the merits of the investment thesis, the depth of research, the pitch’s consistency with Mr. Buffett’s investment principles, and the likelihood of an investment by Berkshire Hathaway.
We have assembled an expert panel of highly-respected value investors and long-term students of Warren Buffett to assist us in determining which ideas stand the best chance of being added to the Berkshire portfolio. With their help, we're thrilled to help drive intelligent and actionable discussion around this intriguing subject matter.
Two Winners and up to a dozen Runners-Up will be publicly recognized by SumZero, will earn membership to the SumZero Buyside community, and will have access to a list of prizes associated with the Berkshire annual event (see more on the Challenge page below for full details on the prizes). The Winners will have their ideas printed and FedEx'ed to Berkshire's Headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska (no promises!).
Judges for the Buffett Challenge Include:
*Tom Gayner (Markel Corp.)
*Tom Saberhagen (Akre Capital)
*Tom Russo (Gardner, Russo & Gardner)
*Francisco Garcia Parames (Investor)
*Jonathan Brandt (Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb)
*Sanjay Bakshi (ValueQuest Capital)
*Glenn Tongue (Deerhaven Capital)
*Whitney Tilson (Kase Capital)
*Steven Keating (St. John's University)
*Bob Miles (U. of Nebraska)
All are encouraged to enter the Challenge with a heavy emphasis on those aspiring investors looking to refine and develop their analytical chops by sharing their work with some of the top investment minds in the game. We hope and expect to see your finest work and we wish everyone the best of luck in the process. Questions? Contact
Best Regards,
The SumZero Team
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