Bloomberg TV: SumZero Launches Compensation Database
By: SumZero Staff | Published: August 20, 2013 | Be the First to Comment

SumZero recently launched a new feature on the buyside site called SZ Compensation, which is a reciprocity-based database designed to help buysiders understand personal income trends within their industry. The new database is a fully-anonymized platform (the only such feature on SumZero) allowing professionals working at hedge funds, mutual funds, and private equity funds to absorb both broad-based trends and granular-level detail on industry personal income stats.
In the first full day of operation, we received over 500 submissions. Roughly 60% of which came in from hedge funds, 25% from mutual funds, and the remaining from PE funds. Thus far, the lowest earning report from 2012 was $75,000. The highest was $2.15 million. Median income for all analysts in 2012 was $264,000.
Users on the site who contribute details on your recent income history unlock access to the database for 12 months. Their details are kept fully anonymous. Once permissioned, users can search the database by fund type, fund size, location, years of experience, sector specialty, and more. Doing so allows them to consume broad-based statistical trends on a given position or drill down on individual reports to collect granular level detail on income structures and various perqs.
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