70% of the Fund Industry Expects Near-Term Rate Hike
By: SumZero Staff | Published: November 06, 2015 | Be the First to Comment

SumZero recently asked members of its buyside community when the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates.
According to our buyside community, the answer is "soon". 38% said a rate hike will occur this quarter (Q4 2015), 31% said the hike will come the quarter after that, while a 7% and 15% of responders respectively expect a hike in 2017 or no hike at all.
Q4 2015: 37.5%
Q1 2016: 30.88%
Q2 2016: 7.35%
Q3 2016: 2.21%
Q4 2016: Less than 1%
2017: 6.62%
No hike expected: 15.44%
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